MAWRC Newsletters
May 2017 - Legacy Funding Includes Money for Buffers, Habitat Acquisitions, DNR Wildlife Management Areas Continue to Grow, US CRP Acreage Nearing Farm Bill Caps, and 4R Nutrient Management Events Coming to Minnesota
April 2017 - Review of EPA WOTUS Rule Begins, Buffers Continue as Priority Issue, Talking Agriculture and Conservation, and Two Farms Added to Discovery Farms Network
March 2017 - Information about the Des Moines Water Works lawsuit and updates on buffers and sediment research
February 2017 - New EPA Administrator, Precision Ag Highlights Nutrient Management Conferences, President Trump Executive Order Allows Second Look at WOTUS Rule
January 2017 - USDA to allow early termination of some CRP contracts for new farmers, Iowa Supreme Court rules against Des Moines Water Works, Register now for nutrient management conferences, Discovery Farms publications available online
December 2016 - Exploring nutrient and sedient transport from agricultural and urban landscapes, Report highlights conservation gains, Register now for nutrient management conferences, Discovery Farms publications available online
October 2016- Soil loss in tile systems, Farmers leading water quality discussions, Upcoming nutrient management conferences
September 2016 - Mega-Rains make for mega-harvest challenges, Flood-related manure management concerns, Cover crop interest grows, Discovery Farms receives NRCS grant
August 2016 - Farmfest overview, MN Soybean WRAPS Handbook, Water Action
June 2016 - U of M field day highlights MN Drive - Discovery Farms partnership, Farmfest is approaching fast, MDA hosts drainage research field day.
March 2016 - Nearly 500 attend nutrient management conferences, New fact sheet - water appropriations permits for livestock producers, Curious about tile nitrate levels?
February 2016 - Get nitrogen smart and get credit, Water summit upcoming, New blog - the Ag Water Exchange.
January 2016 - Upcoming nutrient management conferences, Governor's water summit February 27, U of M Extension publication highlights N management in corn/alfalfa rotation.
November 2015 - Governor announces Water Summit, Nutrient management conferences to address farm profitability and water quality concerns, MN River action board formed, Conservation story board highlights common conservation practices.
October 2015 - Successfully managing nitrogen for 2016 crops starts now, Farm organizations applaud Court of Appeals decision to halt EPA/COE water rule, MN River Congress to meet in New Ulm.
September 2015 - Discovery Farms data confirm importance of following nitrogen best practices, Environmental quality board releases report, Soil Health Partnership holds MN field day, Governor launches pheasant action plan.
July 2015 - Buffer informational meetings, MDA releases 2014 pesticide monitoring report, Large storms primary driver of sediment loss, New report explains streamflow effects of climate and land use changes.
June 2015 - Final Clean Water Act rule announced, CTIC Conservation in Action tour, Ag/Environment bill passed in special session.
May 2015 - Legislature approves revisions to buffer requirements, Follow-up to the great buffer debate.
April 2015 - Minnesota Milk Producers seek common ground, University of WI study alleges wetland loss, Nitrate screening aids in building awareness, Urban development continues to cut into available farmland.
March 2015 - Third River Congress to be held April 16, Buffer legislation introduced to House and Senate, MDA hosted Water Certification meeting at Nordick Farm.
February 2015 - More than 500 attend Nutrient Management Conference, Discovery Farms Year in Review available, MAWRC staff talk Discovery Farms Minnesota and water issues at MN Ag Expo.
January 2015 - Governor proposes expanding buffer requirements to create habitat, Nutrient Management Conference to be held in Mankato, Farmers take proactive approach in Seven Mile Creek Watershed, Visit the MAWRC at MN Ag Expo on January 29.
December 2014 - DNR extends comment period, Velde elected to the MAWRC board and the 32nd Annual Rural Legislative Forum meets December 4th.
October 2014 - Waters of the U.S. in the news and on the web, second Minnesota River Congress meets October 30 and the 2014 Animal Science Conference addresses water concerns.
September 2014 - Clean Water Act comments due October 20, Green Star Farms Initiative unveils a new conservation tracking tool and Jeremy Geske speaks at the Autumn Fare.
August 2014 - A summary of Farm Fest 2014 and the free confidential nitrate screening offered by the MAWRC. Minnesota River Congress regional meetings are scheduled in September and the Dodge county Discovery Farms Minnesota site hosts a field day.
July 2014 - Discovery Farms Minnesota sites featured in the Red River Valley Ag Water Issues Forum and the Rock County Discovery Farms Minnesota site hosts it's first field day.
May 2014 - Includes a summary of the Discovery Farms Update, Real Time Data, Green Star Farms Initiative Update and Counties Encouraged to Address Shoreland Buffer Needs
June 2014 - Includes MDA responds to comments on Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, NRCS's Conservation Program, MN River Congress in New Ulm,Yakima Valley Daries targeted, and US Fish and Wildlife step up wetland enforcements.